
30 11 2008

This is the storyboard for what was our first project at university, I was in a group with Edward Gould, Laura Aporado and Giorgos Charalambous. As a first attempt at a formal storyboard (for presentation) it is ok, I’m glad we went for an abstract idea with a reasonably defined style. Obviously the storyboards since then (see Re-Adaptation above) are far more accomplished than this. The visual communication is far better and the style and level of finish far greater than in the example below.


‘Cities and Desires’ written by Italo Calvino.


The story describes a traveller coming across the city of Zobeide, which has a history concerning it’s construction.

He speaks of seeing a beautiful woman running naked through this city, this woman is not real, she is metaphorical, she represents the hopes and potential for the city to become as beautiful as she is. But as this dream has been pursued many times, without success, the vision of this woman begins to fade. More and more attempt to fulfill the prospects of this city, but none are successful.

We chose this story as although it describes a basic concept (city with potential etc.) it is described in a very surreal manner. We knew this was an opportunity to create something abstract and exciting.

