30 Second Drawings

29 11 2008

Further installments of work created during the drawing classes taught by Lewis. All of the drawings created in our drawing classes are poses lasting no longer than 5 minutes (but these are very rare). The Drawings below are mostly 30 second drawings, just getting the form down on paper as quickly as possible, almost like a visual reminder. Absolutely no retouching is done after the allotted time period, if I can’t get it all down in 30 seconds, then I need to try harder.









As I mentioned, most of these are created within a 30 second time period (individually) with the occasional image being done in 1 minute, or 3 minutes.

I’m not entirely happy with my drawings, I have never been particularly confident at drawing over short periods of time. Usually when I’m struck by an idea and I need to get it down on paper quickly before I forget it etc. I draw something very quick in a minute or less, and normally they are very scruffy, untidy, drawings. This is because it is only a drawing that represents a reminder to me the quality isn’t always important, it’s like writing an idea quickly, as long as you can read the writing it doesn’t matter if it’s untidy. In most cases such drawings would be followed by a more detailed but still very quick drawing just to re-affirm the idea I’ve had. Nevertheless, I will endeavor to improve my quick-drawing skills in the future.



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